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Good News.. Now No Need To Delete History Everytime


All the Web Browser is giving you privacy for Browsing. Now you don't need to delete History everytime. If you are technical person you may know this thing. And It is for privacy so everyone must know about it.

Here is the Thing Called Incognito

It is very easy to activate. So please Follow the steps...

Here I am activating Incognito using Google Chrome .

  1. Open Web Browser.
  2. Then Go to three vertical dots as shown in picture below.
  3. Enter your email address:

  4. Now Click on New Incognito Tab .
  5. Done. You have activated Incognito for browsing.

Note : This method is working on Google Chrome and Mozilla Firefox

Here is the simple method for UC Browser

  • Open UC Browser.
  • Go to the Menu .
  • Activate "Incognito mode" .


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