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Showing posts from January, 2017

This One Trick Can Protect Your Eyes During The Night Usage Of Phone

Nowadays we are using internet whole day. Sometimes even at night we used to chat with friends , E - learning , reading books online and many activities. Enter your email address: We are not taking care of our eyes. The brightness of our smartphone can highly damage our eyes. Besides the lowest brightness of smartphones are also not as low as it should . If we want to protect our eyes , we should go for the very low level at the brightness which can protect our eyes easily. Here is an app which will protect your eyes with the simple method . Night Mode Download For Android This app will provide user to decrease the brightness more than the lowest brightness of smartphone. Manage the brightness easily and hit Start From the picture we can easily see the difference of brightness . Thus... With the help of this app we can protect our eyes during the night usage of phone. Share This Post If You Like Other Posts Easiest Way To Protect Y...

Easiest Way To Protect Your PC / Mobile From Malware & Virus

Is it compulsory to watch Avdvetsitement on any website? Absolutely Not . We all know that when we browse any website, most of the websites contains Advertisement . Many time you have seen banner (Ads) related to your search. Sometimes we get irritate with these type of banners. So let me tell you why blocking advertisement from the browser is very good thing. Here are the reasons. Enter your email address: Advantages of blocking advertisement It takes extra time to load on webpage. So working with Adblock can can save your time Some website contains Malware And harmful content. When you click on it , it can damage or destroy(sometimes) your system. Adblocker will remove those ads from any website. One can block advertisement form Youtube also. One can save his/her Facebook & Gmail account form being hacked by Phishing(Type Of Hacking). How to enable AdBlock in PC chrome ? Click here to enable AdBlock in your PC chrome browser How to enable Ad...