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Showing posts from April, 2017

Why UC Browser is not safe to use

UC Browser has been created by Chinese giant Alibaba and is widely popular in India and China. The main reason is because of publicizing it as the fastest mobile browser (may or may not be, but surely it is super fast ). That is why in India, with limited access to fast internet, people want to use it. Advantages It does has lots of advantages with great services.. Faster browsing Inbuilt download manager Ad blocker Text only mode (to save data) etc... Disadvantages Studies from various organisations have confirmed that... Users have risk of losing private information to the Alibaba , which can Spam users . It also works offline!! Even if internet connection is OFF it can send users' IMSI, IMEI, Android ID and users' location. UC browser also sends Wi-fi related data to the parent company Alibaba Other Posts Remember All Passwords of various sites Say No To Unwanted FB Game Request Do You Love Photography ? Start Earning Money... Er...