Nowadays photography is general craze for youngsters. If you are the one who loves to take photographs then you will find in this article that one can easily make money online. There are few websites which is giving money for selling photographs. But you may have question ... Why do they give money for photographs ? Those websites which will give you money are doing B2B ( Business To Business ) with other companies.. If you are making your own professional website you cannot put downloaded images from Google . Otherwise there might be Copy Right issue . So one have to purchase images that's why they will give you money for pictures.. Top 5 websites which are best to earn money by selling photographs... Alamy Shutterstock iStock Photo Photoshelter Fotolia Share This Post If You Like Other Posts Erase Memory Up To 500mb Without Loosing Data! This One Trick Can Protect Your Eyes During The Night Usage Of Phone Easiest Way To Prot...